
Celebrating 20+ years in business!

February 2022 – MINIMALISM: What Does That Mean?
20 Logical-Placemen-Winter

Hello, Friends!

betty@logicalplacement.com • www.LogicalPlacement.com

February 2022: MINIMALISM: What Does That Mean?

People have used the word “minimalism” frequently in 2021 and it will continue to be hot topic. What does that word really mean?

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of minimalism is:
a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity.

We organizers often talk about making decisions with your possessions. First on the list is that possessions you do not love should be removed and perhaps donated or given away, so someone else can enjoy them.

Now, our culture has changed and many of us have more disposal income or access to credit cards, right? So, we tend to accumulate more “stuff” — and sometimes too much.

NOW THAT YOU’VE received your latest credit card statement and see how much was spent in December, are you re-thinking your budget? Are you still unpacking your Amazon boxes? Many times I walk into a client’s home and see Amazon boxes still unopened and clients wondering what they have purchased. Does that sound like you?

Let’s make 2022 a better year! Let’s make it the year that changed our lives and try to live without so much “stuff.”

Some experts would suggest that you put an item into the cart, but wait 24 hours to push the “order” button so that gives you time to think about do you really need the item? Have your tried that and how did it work for you? Let me know!

HERE IS A great article that hits a lot of hot buttons for me. Hope you enjoy it. It’s simple and gives you eight strategies to help you declutter:

Let know how your journey goes in 2022. You can drop me an email to betty@logicalplacement.com.

I'm presenting at the following libraries:
Canton Public Library on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 6:30-7:30pm. Location: 1200 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI 48188. Call 734-397-0999 to register.
Royal Oak Public Library on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 6:30-7:30pm. Location: 222 E. 11 Mile Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48067. Call 248-246-3700 to register.

Happy Organizing!

Your local professional organizer,

Betty Huotari
P.S. If you would like to share this email with a friend, please pass it along and if they would like to be added to my list, have them send me an email. If you would like to unsubscribe to the monthly newsletter, please send an email to betty@logicalplacement.com.

©2022 Logical Placement LLC | 11469 Fawn Valley Trail, Fenton, MI 48430