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October 2022 – Building A Supportive Team And Family Unit

Hello, Friends!

betty@logicalplacement.com • www.LogicalPlacement.com

October 2022 - Building A Supportive Team And Family Unit

Let’s say you wish to better organize and streamline your family’s day-to-day activities, which have gotten out of hand. But, to do it well, everyone must make some operational changes, for the good of all.

One of the things that I’m asked often is:
How do I get my family to help and support my new vision?

First, I tell clients that you should gather everyone together to start a friendly, helpful conversation.

I would suggest that you remind them that a family is like a team — and a team wins when they play and work together… and when they support one another.

EXPLAIN HOW YOU feel about too much chaos and clutter all around the house, and watch how they respond. For instance, are they embarrassed to bring their friends over as things are now?

Experts will tell you that people respond better to being involved in the goal than being told what to do.

COME UP WITH a list of how everyone can pitch in to your new vision. Be sure to have something for the adults and kids to do, so everyone can benefit from possible rewards, too. Professionals agree it’s a great idea for kids to have chores and responsibilities at home.

Experts will also tell you that you should reward yourself and the team. For instance, if you have accomplished a goal, why not have a pizza party or a family night with a special movie or board game?

Why not make family chores fun such as “beat the clock” timing for accomplishing jobs, or play favorite children’s songs while doing a task?

YOU CAN ALSO explain to them that it is part of your job to help them learn life skills. This will help them gain good skills when they go to college and start their own households. Believe me, I’ve heard a lot of stories of kids who don’t know how to clean their rooms, cook, or do laundry once they’re on their own! You don’t want your child to be one of the stories.

It is important to teach and show your children basic skills and how to perform them. Sometimes it’s helpful to have a checklist so they can be reminded of cleaning certain spots. Plus, we have to celebrate their good job and recognize their effort.

Remember that being positive goes a long way! That’s better than only telling youngsters what they didn’t do… or only telling them what they did wrong.

For instance, if they didn’t hang up their coats, maybe you should comment that perhaps you placed the hooks too high. This shows them you are listening.

REMEMBER TO ASSIGN a task that is age-appropriate, to make each job a win-win for everyone.

Many parents follow the practice of “taking toys” after little ones leave them lying around after being asked to pick them up. One friend allows her kids to “earn toys back” by performing jobs as requested. Sometimes we have to be creative!

Please let me know your thoughts on this subject. You can post comments on my Facebook Page, at https://www.facebook.com/logicalplacementorganizing

Happy Organizing! Follow me on Instagram @Logical_Placement or Facebook for weekly organizing tips and tricks!

Your local professional organizer,

Betty Huotari

Follow me on Instagram Logical_Placement or Facebook for weekly organizing tips and tricks.

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