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November 2022 – Organizing Your Freezer

Hello, Friends!

betty@logicalplacement.com • www.LogicalPlacement.com

November 2022 —Organizing Your Freezer

This is a great topic for November because many of us will be entertaining family and friends during the next few weeks.

So, it’s the perfect time to concentrate on your freezer because we will likely be needing more cold storage space for holiday treats.

FIRST, REMOVE ALL the items in your chest freezer and defrost it for better operations. On my chest freezer, all I do is unplug it for 30 minutes. Then, I gently scrape any ice off the freezer sides, using a rag to absorb any water. It sounds complicated, but this process only takes a few minutes.

Use a white board or special note pad to list the items you have in the freezer. I use a checkmark as my system so I know how many packages of each item are located there. I also put the date on the white board, so I know when was the last time I defrosted the freezer.

Chest freezers usually come with baskets, and mine has several. It’s smart to place the items you need to access quickly in these baskets. Try to place older items on the top of each group, for best food rotation.

I ORGANIZE MY freezer by product type. If you don’t want to use containers or baskets, I have used canvas bags — who doesn’t have a few of those lying around?

You can use a different canvas bag for each type of meat. A small sticky note describing the item with a date helps remind you what’s inside.

We try to buy meat when it’s on sale. Then we break the packages down into plastic zipper freezer bags and label them — contents, how many are in each bag, and the date. This way, there’s no guess work, since frozen items are often hard to identify. Recently my husband purchased a Foodsaver, so I ‘ll you know if I really like it.

WITH THE HOLIDAY season fast approaching, you may choose to use up items to provide more freezer room in the next few weeks. Plan a menu!

If you have a free-standing upright freezer, use the shelves for different categories such as breakfast items on top, then the different meats — and perhaps gathering your snacks and ice-cream on the bottom shelf. You should be able to label your shelves. Perhaps you’ll want to be creative by using labels, paper clips and freezer tape.

Please let me know your thoughts on this subject. You can post comments on my Facebook Page, at https://www.facebook.com/logicalplacementorganizing

Happy Organizing! Follow me on Instagram @Logical_Placement or Facebook for weekly organizing tips and tricks!

Your local professional organizer,

Betty Huotari

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