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May 2024 – April showers bring May flowers

Hello, Friends!


May 2024 –April showers bring May flowers (and lots of other things to tend in your yard!)

I think the warmer temperatures have us excited about spending more time outdoors in the weeks to come. We have been cooped up indoors for months it’s time to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

These days bring thoughts of lush, green lawns, colorful flower beds bursting with blooms, and warm summer nights sitting on the deck enjoying dinner with friends. What’s nice about dreaming of these things in May is that you have plenty of time to take action so you can enjoy spending time outside this summer.

Start with a list of your goals. Do you want to redo some landscaping? Have you been promising yourself that this year will be the year to plant more annuals or perennials? Are you trying to plant things that bloom in different times of the year to provide color throughout the summer months?

If you don’t have a clear plan, sometimes it’s fun to stop by the book store or magazine stand and pick up a magazine or two so you can visualize the projects you’d like to undertake.

Many garden centers have experts who can help you take steps to bring any of your landscape dreams to life. If you’d like to find some ideas what you’d like to do in your yard give these sites a try: https://www.bhg.com/gardening or https://www.englishgardens.com/expert-tips . There are plenty of ideas and tips to help you get started on any project for your yard.

If you need to schedule fertilizing or pest control, this is the month to make the call so you can get the best choice of time slots available.

If you are planning a larger project, such as building a deck, remember the earlier you start, the more likely you will find a contractor to do the work this year. Looking for ideas? Visit this HGTV page https://www.hgtv.com/outdoors/outdoor-remodel/deck-design-ideas-pictures for ideas. You’ll find everything from simple to stunning when it comes to decks.

Enjoy the weather!

Follow me at https://www.facebook.com/logicalplacementorganizing for weekly organizing tips or on Instagram @logical_placement.

Your local professional organizer,
Betty Huotari
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