
Celebrating 20+ years in business!

May 2022 – Organizing Your Purse and Wallet

Hello, Friends!

betty@logicalplacement.com • www.LogicalPlacement.com

May 2022 - Organizing Your Purse and Wallet

Ok ladies, it’s time to talk about our purses and decide how to clean them out.

Whew! Here we go:

I want you to empty out your entire purse and see what kind of goodies you have found.

Oh look — a receipt from 2020, a stale piece of gum and some wadded-up tissues. How many random coins did you find? And who uses coins anymore?

Now let’s get serious: how many of us complain that our purse is too heavy or that we can’t find anything in it? Sound familiar?

ORGANIZING EXPERTS agree that you should separate items. What works well for me is to use helpful little bags, including:

1.A small make-up bag that contains “personal things.” For instance, I have one bag that has my make-up (with only one tube of lipstick), gum / breath mints, hand sanitizer, tissues, pain pills and bandage strips, and
2.In my second little “useful cards” bag, I have a credit card organizer that holds credit cards or membership cards, coupons and tickets that I don’t use on a daily basis, a few of my business cards and my name tag.

ASK YOURSELF when the last time was you needed to pull a particular item out of your purse. If you haven’t needed it for a while, maybe remove it and place it temporarily in a plastic zipper bag. That way, it’s easy to find, use and then put back where it belongs.

Then I have my wallet, where I keep the two credit cards that I use frequently. One is for personal needs and the second card is for my business. Experts remind us to limit the number of cards we carry, and tell us to not carry our Social Security Card.

The other items living in my wallet are cash (I always carry a few bucks at all times. I guess you can say that I’m old fashioned!), my driver’s license and receipts.

MY WALLET is large enough to hold my receipts, but I usually take daily receipts out when I get home. I place them with other receipts in my Tickler folder. Some clients put them in a monthly plastic zipper bag, or perhaps you have gone to electronic receipts. Some people keep coupons or receipts in an accordion folder or plastic pouch in their car, for quick filing. Just keep organizing whatever system makes you comfortable.

I always keep my credit cards in the same place so I can see if one is missing pretty quickly. The same goes for my driver’s license. They have homes in certain slots so I can glance quickly to make sure I have them. Store loyalty cards usually identify you by your phone number. I place the loyalty/reward numbers in my phone, too.

That’s not to say I have never misplaced a credit card, but I check my wallet pretty frequently. Maybe I don’t check it daily, but I do so several times a week.

I ALSO keep a pen, pencil and a marker pen in my purse. I used to keep a small pad of paper, but now I use my phone’s notes area to track things. And, buy a large-enough key tag with your phone number or name, so it’s easy to always find your keys in your purse.

By having small organizing bags inside whichever purse I’m using, it only takes me a moment to change purses — and not hours.

Upcoming Dates for Hazardous Waste for Spring 2022
Ingham County- https://hd.ingham.org/forparents/healthyhomes/hazardoushouseholdwaste.aspx
Livingston County https://www.livgov.com/dpw
Genesee County - http:// http://gcmpc.org/recycle-day/
Washtenaw County - www.washtenaw.org/287/Home-Toxics-Paint-Oil-Pesticides-More

Happy Organizing! Follow me on Instagram Logical_Placement or Facebook!

Your local professional organizer,
Betty Huotari

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Here is a sample of a purse organizer that I found on Amazon for about $15.00

Many of us have cosmetic bags laying around the house that we can easily use to help us organize our make-up in our purses.

purse organizer