
Celebrating 20+ years in business!

March 2022 – Planning Some Vacations
20 Logical-Placemen-Winter

Hello, Friends!

betty@logicalplacement.com • www.LogicalPlacement.com

March 2022 – Planning Some Vacations

Now that we are getting used to the Covid-19 procedures, do you feel a little more comfortable planning a few vacations?

FIRST, BE SURE to consider these four points:

1.What do your vacation days look like for the following year?
2.What is your budget?
3.Do you have any business trips or conferences where you could to tack on a few extra fun days to explore before or after the work?
4.Do you want to head up north for a long weekend during the summer or tour the vineyards in the fall?

ARE THERE ANY friends with whom you can start vacation conversations? Try to do that as soon as possible, to best coordinate with their own calendars.

I belong to a bunco group and most of us are empty nesters. We try and plan a trip every year. It’s been a lot of fun exploring new places with friends. Covid did slow us down, but hopefully we will make it happen this year!

We love doing food tours. It’s a great way of seeing the city and getting some highlights. Plus you can always go back to further explore, if you find a destination you really enjoy.

IT’S ALSO A great idea to plan a bucket list. This helps you list those lifetime things you’ve always wanted to do, while you’re able to do them.

Do you want to go somewhere warm or to a big destination, such as Europe? Sometimes travelers have to put the money aside in a different bank account that is earmarked for vacations. You can transfer money on a monthly basis and watch it grow, as you make your plans.

IT’S ALSO a great idea celebrate milestones.

For instance, we are celebrating a “big birthday” for my husband this year — so he, his two high school best friends and their wives are going on a cruise to the United Kingdom. This idea started three years ago.

AND, RESEARCH HAS shown that people who plan vacations are happier than folks who fly by the seat of their pants.

Remember it’s important to get away and recharge your batteries.

LAST OF ALL, if and when you do decide to go on a trip, you should always take enough vacation photos so you can start making a photo book while traveling.

That’s what I do, because I have learned that when I get back from a trip, I usually don’t have time to sit down and dedicate time to this project. I always start my photo books while I’m still on vacation. I love using Shutterfly, which helps you format and design photo pages simply and easily.

The other tradition I try to follow is to buy a Christmas ornament in the vacation area. When I get home, I mark the month and year with a black sharpie. Then, when I decorate the Christmas tree, it’s easy — and fun — to reminisce about that journey. That helps extend the vacation fun even longer!

Just reminding you that I am speaking at the following libraries:
Canton Public Library on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 6:30-7:30 pm. Location: 1200 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI 48188. Call 734-397-0999 to register.
Royal Oak Public Library on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 6:30-7:30 pm. Location: 222 E. 11 Mile Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48067. Call 248-246-3700 to register.

Happy Organizing!
Your local professional organizer,
Betty Huotari
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