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January 2023 – Self-Care and Productivity

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January 2023 – Self-care and Productivity

This is the new year you resolve to take care of yourself, right? That's a great New Year’s resolution!

So, let’s consider some positive strategies to do this at work:

1.Attend meetings that you find useful. Sure, we can fill our time with useless meetings all day, but step back and see which ones are the ones that you really need to participate on. Concentrate on those.
2.Be respectful of people's time. If you are in charge of a meeting, always try doing this. What is the purpose of the meeting? Be sure to send out an agenda, consider who is invited and list who is expected to give updates. Remember what the time limits are, and think what the expectations are for the meeting. Lastly, decide who will be taking notes and distributing the minutes of the meeting afterwards.
3.Decide if this needs to be a meeting, or can it be handled via email? Be proactive and not reactive with your time, and the time of the others in attendance.
4.If you face an interruption, be sure to let the individual know that you only have a few minutes available right then. But if they need more attention, they should set up a meeting time so they can have your undivided attention.
5.Give the meeting your best attention. You can place a sign on your office door or cubicle that you will be available to talk after…

Schedule "Alone Time" too

Science shows that "Alone Time" can spark creativity, build mental strength and increase empathy and productivity. It is always important to recharge your “battery” regularly and frequently.

Experts say that spending just five minutes on your smartphone can significantly impair your memory. It can also affect the quality of your sleep if you’re on your phone right before bed. That's because the blue light emitted from phone screens can delay the release of melatonin, and impact sleep.

According to a Forbes Magazine article by John Hall published last January, here's how you can start:

1.Create a schedule that includes a morning routine. Be sure to include blocks for working on your most important tasks during your peak productivity hours.
2.Include frequent breaks throughout the day. During these breaks, back away from the things causing you stress — meditate, journal, go for a short walk, catch up with a friend — or find inspiration via a book, podcast or TED Talk.
3.The Pomodoro technique is a great method for inserting breaks into your schedule: You work for a specific amount of time, usually around 25 minutes, then take a short break. You’ll come back feeling refreshed and recharged.
To read more on this interesting topic, https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnhall/2020/01/05/self-care-isnt-just-good-for-you-its-also-good-for-your-productivity/?sh=4a0c51fb19ff

Let me know your thoughts on this subject. You can post comments on my Facebook Page, at https://www.facebook.com/logicalplacementorganizing

Follow me on Instagram @logical_placement or find me on Facebook at "Logical Placement Organizing" for weekly organizing tips posted every Friday.

Happy New Year and all the best in 2023!

Your local professional organizer,

Betty Huotari

P.S. If you would like to share this email with a friend, please pass it along. If they would like to be added to my list, have them send me an email.

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