Hello, Friends!
Summer is nearly here. People are starting to look at their vacation plans and soon realize that
their family reunion is coming up and they have been given the task of organizing it because
they possess the organizing gene—yeah, you know who you are!
Here are a few things to consider so you’ll be headed in the right direction:
- Where – Select the location. If you are doing something outdoors, have a Plan B in caseit rains.
- When – Which weekday/weekend is it going to take place?
- Time – What time do you want your family members to show up?
- RSVP – Establish a deadline. When do you need to know who is coming or not?
- Theme – Do you expect people to bring a dish to pass around, or are you having the event catered? Please don’t tell me you are that crazy woman who wants to do everything herself. Share the work, please! You will be able to enjoy time with your family and others will feel like they are able to contribute something.
Activities – Who is going to be in charge this year of the games/activities? One fun site for
game ideas is www.family-reunion.com.
If someone has recently passed in your family, you may want to ask people to bring their
favorite pictures or have someone create an album in their honor, especially if it is a
grandparent, or mom/dad. Sometimes people come across old pictures or slides. This could be
a great opportunity to have family members tell you who people are and maybe give a special
memento to the grandkids. Looking for ideas about getting started with this check
Are there special events taking place this year? Is anyone celebrating their silver or gold
wedding anniversary or a niece/nephew turning Sweet 16? (Is there anything about a
teenager’s birthday that makes them sweet?)
One of the things that I have started to do at our family reunions is take a lot of pictures (yes, I
am that crazy person who organizes some things because I possess the gene. Go figure). I give
out family calendars as Christmas gifts that include lots of pictures from past gatherings. My
family really appreciates it. It has been so much fun to take a look at the pictures and see how
much the children have grown. Of course we still look the same, because we haven’t aged a
bit, right!
Here are a few more items to remember:
- Send invitations early so people can put it on their calendar
- Have family members all contribute – divide & conquer
- Hotels and things to do are always helpful to include in the package
- Put together a packing list
Good luck. Remember, memories last forever!
Follow me at https://www.facebook.com/logicalplacementorganizing for weekly organizing tips or on
Instagram @logical_placement.
Your local professional organizer,
Betty Huotari
P.S. If you would like to share this email with a friend, please pass it along and if they would
like to be added to my list, have them send me an email.
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